Introduction: The Gladstone Camera Club was formed in late 2011 with a goal of fostering photography within the Gladstone regional area. We aim to help those new and old to Photography to increase their knowledge and skills through regular competitions, meetings, and field trips. So if you have a shiny new DSLR or an old film camera gathering dust in the cupboard, consider joining the club and making the most of your camera. Club Meetings: The club meets on the first Tuesday of every month (except January) at the Gladstone Regional Library at 39 Goondoon St, Gladstone. Meetings run from 7:30pm until approximately 9:30pm. There are competitions each month for colour and mono prints, based on set themes. There is usually also a guest speaker each month presenting on a topic of interest.
Upcoming Events in 2024: Meetings: February 06th - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition March 05th - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition April 02nd - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition May 07th - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition June 04th - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition July 02nd - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition August 06th - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition September 03rd - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition October 01st - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition November 05th - Club Meeting & Monthly Competition Workshops (dates for workshops will be finalised based on interest and availability): February / March - Still Life Workshop March 03rd - Beginner's Photography Workshop ($100.00) March / April - Light Trails Workshop May / June - Frozen in Ice Workshop September / October - After Dark Workshop More information on other club events for 2024 will be added as details become available.